Monday, May 7, 2012

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Opening Weekend

   The post title may poke fun at Disney's..I mean...Marvel's The Avengers, but I sat in awe of the film. Now I'm going to just put out a general SPOILER ALERT for anyone who hasn't yet seen this film. I'll try to keep this one short-ish in prep for what I'm assuming is going to be an all day extravaganza of writing a blog or two about Free Comic Book Day. The casting was great. I still  believe there is no human better suited to play Iron Man than Robert Downey Jr. I hope anyone reading caught that last pun. You're welcome.
    I took Sarah (my soon-to-be-fiance whom for some reason puts up with my intense comic book passion) to see Marvel's The Avengers and decided to pony up the extra infinite dollars to see it in 3-D. I was very happy with that choice. The 3-D was the first non-let down since Avatar (speaking purely on visuals here guys).
   The movie mixes the origins of the original Avengers, The Ultimates (an alternate universe version of the Avengers), and some completely new concepts. The Chitauri redesigns are one of the best parts. As opposed to being the slow, bulky, Skrull alternative aliens, the Chitauri  are now tall, thin, creepy invaders I now wish they had always been. Once again, I couldn't get enough of Loki. A liar, a schemer, and to proud and boastful to know when he himself is being played. I highly enjoyed the feel of chaos, that this was truly a threat no one hero (short of Batman) could handle themselves. The alien  invasion mixed with the threat of a trickster demi-god pretty much seems like a damning situation to me. It seemed like a good reason for the superhumans to come together, not just a problem that they happily hang around and solve together before they go out for some drinks.
   Surprisingly funny, no new unneeded romantic sub-plot, good use of characters, unprecedented action scenes, and a bag of chips. The easter egg after the first set of credits was more than I hoped for.I'm not going to ruin it until a later post, but the villain surprise left me drooling. I don't even feel Marvel's Avengers needs to be rated as a superhero movie. But for the sake of it, as a superhero movie 10/10. I've only said that about one other superhero movie, being The Dark Knight. As a general movie, 9.5/10. Loved this movie. Keep 'em coming marvel. And please, more in-movie easter eggs?

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