Thursday, May 3, 2012

What If...The Avengers Got Trapped in an Invincible Cave, Who Would Eat the Others?

    I'm super excited about the Avengers movie. If you don't know about this, probably had friends growing up. For anyone unfamiliar with the Avengers, they are a group of heroes that look like this: Okay, so maybe there are a few more of them. The questions I have about this is, if the Avengers all got in  separate one-on-one battles, who would win?
      Who would win, Hulk or Thor?  This is a touchy one with so many variables. Thor has been said to hold back when fighting the Hulk, that being said, to the best of my knowledge, Thor has only beat Hulk twice (at least in one-on-one) out of the many times they've gone toe to toe. Thor certainly starts out stronger, yet Hulk gets more powerful with more anger. Thor does have his hammer Mjonir and command of lightning, but Hulk have taken a nuclear explosion. Thor is a god. Hulk declared war on all of Manhattan, and won (for all intents and purposes). Thor has lifted a serpent that surrounded the entire earth. Hulk has taken out the Avengers. Thor lifted an entire realm. Hulk has caught the Iron Fist's punch. The point? They are both immeasurably strong and incredibly resilient. Thor's strength levels have gone up since the Skrull Invasion, and the Hulk seems to do less amazing acts after World War Hulk.  I almost hate to say it being a huge Hulk fan, but I believe Thor would come out on top in most circumstances Winner: Thor
     Who would win, Black Widow or Nick Furry? Black Widow 9 out of 10 times. She's faster, has similar tech, more agile, similar training, and she has a faster trigger finger. The only thing Fury has on her is being more of a cold blooded killer. That IS a pretty big advantage, but lets not forget Black Widow has put down her share of bad guys too. That was fast. Winner: Black Widow
     Who would win, Iron Man or Hawkeye. Iron Man. This  one would hardly be a battle. If this were old school Iron Man, Hawkeye could just shoot Tony in the eyes or shoot the mask off, something along those lines. I'm talking talking about modern Iron Man. Hawkeye though resourceful doesn't have any trick arrows on him that could beat Iron Man. And to anyone that would bring up Hawkeye's contained nuke-arrow: He doesn't carry those around, and if he happened to bring one out just in case? Tony could easily send it right back at Barton or disarm it. Winner: Iron Man
     Who would win, Spider-Man or Beast? Spider-Man wins on almost every level including strength, agility, and speed. Beast has super senses and a vastly superior mind. That's all he needs. Beast has come up with some of the best inventions in existence. He came up with a box that can hold the freaking Phoenix Force! Even with Spider-Man's spider sense, Beast has a plethora of gadgets that could take Spider-Man down. Winner: Beast
      Who would win, Wolverine or Mr. Fantastic? This one is pretty cut and dry. For a super genius, Mr. Fantastic is a fantastic idiot. While he could use a super magnet or something to incapacitate Wolverine, I feel he'd just stretch out and try to hold him in a frontal attack. Wolverine wouldn't hesitate to cut Richards the new asshole he deserves. Winner: Wolverine, he's  the best there is.
   There are a TON of other options for this, but I'm headed of to bed. Leave a comment about one of these you think my answer is dumb for, agree, or suggest cooler fights and situations for future posts.

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