Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Mightily Handsome Thor

    My original plan for the (or maybe just the first) post today was to just talk about superhero brawls I'd like to see, but instead I'm going to post about last years live action movie Thor as I watch it.
     First off, casting is not what I would have expected, but brilliant. I love Anthony Hopkins as Odin. Within the first few moments they already have several key details different. How Mjonir was created was very different than in the comic or original mythology. The movie says the hammer was forged inside of a star, which although cool, changes a lot more than just the hammer's origins when I thought about it. It changes the entire tale of Loki. This means Loki never took Sif's hair being cut off by Loki etc. So basically, they seem to have changed the origin of the hammer because at this point in the Marvel Movie-verse, Loki is only known as a trickster, not a dangerous member of the royal family. The other big change was how Odin lost his eye. In the comic and myth, he gave his eye to drink from the Well  of Wisdom. While in the movie he loses his eye in the final battle in the first great war against the frost giants. This might mean that Odin Allfather never drank from the Well of Wisdom and therefore cannot tell the future. That in turn means he would have no knowledge that Loki is a traitor. Then again, he might know and just not give a shit...sort of like the original myth too. Wow. Never really thought about it, but Odin is a crappy king. He could see the future, knew Loki was evil, and never did anything. He might see this as futile due to fate, but Thor has changed the future many times. Odin is a lazy ass. Fact. Oh, and there's always the possibility that the writers just did whatever they wanted.
         I think Tom Hiddleston plays an awesome Loki. I also love the writing for Loki. He lies with almost every word that leaves his mouth, but the movie doesn't make it cliche by showing him smirking as the others walk away, dramatic pause, or sinister music. You have to actually pay attention to the plot and his slight detail changes to catch onto Loki's lies. The only real moments you get out of him are spouts of anger. So far, all though not the best Marvel film, it is certainly the smartest.
    So, back to the action. There is a mud fight scene between Thor and a huge black guard for the ladies, Kay Dennings and her oddly attractive teeth gap. And hey, SPOILER ALERT: Hawkeye makes an appearance! I honestly wasn't expecting that to happen.
   Final verdict? Smart. Funny. Just the right amount of action so that it's energetic and cool, but not so much that it's just an action packed meat head expolsi-thon. Smart. Especially Loki. Loki and Darci are my favorite characters. I know Loki is making a a comeback in the Avengers and the eventual sequel to Thor. I hope Kat Denning's character comes back too. For a comic book movie 8.5/10. For a movie in general, 8/10. Very good.

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